Welcome to Seahaven Chiropractic, where our mission is to provide nervous system focused care for pregnancy, children, and whole families. We believe that life can be facilitated through intentional chiropractic care.

Seahaven Chiropractic Ormond Beach, FL Chiropractic Care for Children

Why Choose Chiropractic?

Our nervous system is a communication network made up of our brain, spine, and the rest of the body. Our nervous system is the major control center that controls our body and our health. Stress, injuries, and chemicals can interfere with our nervous system and cause subluxations to form in our spine. A subluxation acts like a road block in our nervous system. This block will cause an interference with how our brain and spine communicated with the rest of our body. Chiropractic adjustments remove these roadblocks so that our body can function at its highest potential and thrive!

  • Pregnancy is the most sacred and special time in a woman’s life. Although this period of time should be celebrated and enjoyed, it often times come with aches, pains, and discomfort. Although these feelings are common, they are NOT normal and do not have to be tolerated! Chiropractic care is an extremely effective tool to use not only during pregnancy, but also pre- and post-conception.

    Dr. Victoria has also received her Perinatal Certification through the ICPA. This means that she completed 80 hours of training, which allowed her to gain a comprehensive understanding of pregnancy care from pre-conception to postpartum. Dr. Victoria is excited to support you through this beautiful chapter of life.

    Dr. Victoria is certified in Webster Technique through the ICPA. During pregnancy, a well-aligned spine and pelvis allows for an easier and more comfortable pregnancy, smoother labor and delivery, and a quicker recovery. By ensuring that the spine and pelvis are in proper alignment, chiropractic care helps to ensure that the growing baby has plenty of space to grow and develop.

  •  Dr. Victoria has received extensive training through the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association) in order to best serve the pediatric population. Did you know that chiropractic care helps to build a strong foundation for patients of all ages?

    Here at Seahaven Chiropractic, we are firm believers that receiving chiropractic care from a young age is one of the best ways to support growth and development.

    Why fix broken adults when we can grow healthy children?

    Even the most beautiful, seamless births are still trauma to a baby’s neck and head. It is so crucial to have your little ones cared for by a trained pediatric chiropractor.

    Our children who receive regular chiropractic care experience health benefits such as:

    • Better sleep

    • Improved digestion

    • Improvements in “colic”-like symptoms

    • Decreased acid reflux

    • On track with reaching milestones

    • Improvements in behavioral issues

    • Less ear infections

    • Decreased symptoms associated with allergies.

  • Health is the foundation of a fulfilling life. Without our health, our bodies cannot function at their best. We can run into issues such as suppressed immune systems, poor sleep, poor digestion, brain fog, and slower ability to heal. Chiropractic care supports the body’s ability to express health and optimal function. This is why every single person, regardless of their age, can benefit from chiropractic care!

    Stress can cause our nervous system to have trouble communicating with the rest of our bodies. In order for our body to successfully express health, our brain and spine (nervous system) must be able to communicate with the rest of our body. When we are exposed to stress, it causes that communication to become interrupted. This goes back to neurological-based care. Once we remove the stress by getting adjusted, our body can return to optimal function.

    Every single walk of life, no matter their age, is exposed to some sort of stress. This is why it is SO important for everyone to be under regular chiropractic care. There is no such thing as too old or too young! Everyone deserves to have their spines checked so that their bodies can have that ability to express health, which will then lead to optimal growth, development, and function!

Meet Your Provider at Seahaven Chiropractic

Dr. Victoria believes that everyone, regardless of their age, can benefit from chiropractic care. Natural and safe care can help you enjoy a well-balanced life. Instead of looking at outside interventions to help you heal, we look to the body for self-regulation, self-correction, and healing.

Female chiropractor Dr. Victoria Seahaven Chiropractic Ormond Beach, FL

Nervous system regulation is necessary for people of ALL ages, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms. Stress wreaks havoc on our bodies, which chiropractic care can help remove.

— Dr. Victoria Smith, Founder

Welcome Home to Seahaven Chiropractic ☀️

Hi friends ♥️ I’m Dr. Victoria! I am so happy you’re here. Living a holistic lifestyle has become my passion, and I can’t wait to share this passion with the Ormond Beach community. I have always been passionate towards helping others and advocating for others to be the best versions of themselves. Being a chiropractor allows me to help others feel their best, move their best, and function at their best. 

I absolutely love what I do as a chiropractor and I am so grateful to show others what I have experienced through wellness and chiropractic. My journey with chiropractic started with my own experience seeing a chiropractor and how much my life changed (in the best way) once I was getting adjusted regularly. My passion has really evolved into pediatric, perinatal, and family care. 

I graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biochemistry from Rowan University in New Jersey, where I was born and raised. After undergrad, I studied at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange, Florida graduating Cum Laude. I have completed over 200 hours worth of courses through the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association). I am Perinatal Certified and working towards earning my CACCP. After graduation, I was lucky enough to serve the Southwest, MI area for two years before coming back to Florida with a vision for Seahaven Chiropractic!

Join our family and follow our journey.